Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Adrenaline Rush in A Small Package

As an automotive enthusiast that praises and appreciates a perfectly balanced car that would deliver perfect and poised handling with adequate and or endless power, i was rather skeptical that the Mini Cooper S would be able to deliver all of that in such a well.. mini package.

All Mini advertisements promises something different and out-of-the-box experience that would bring more than just a smile to the driver's face and i must say Mini did it right with the Cooper S.

First Impression:

The exterior of the '50th Anniversary Mayfair Edition' Mini Cooper S adds a not so subtle twin stripe, bumper mounted fog-lights that works as a high-beam, 17-inch wheels, Mayfair badge on the fenders, a 50th Anniversary badge on the front left bumper and other little accessories to differentiate it from other Mini's.

The Mayfair edition Mini combines retro-styling with a touch of elegance that makes the car suitable and subtle enough for you to drive around town without looking like Elton John in bright yellow trousers. But enough to attract attention of other motorists and pedestrians.

Enter the car, and the dark brown, coffee colored interior blends in well with the car. Despite the fact that the speedometer is in the middle that looks like someone put a giant clock just for fun, it all seems in place and unique. Yes the interior is small but it doesn't make you feel cramped, with enough head and leg room for the front passengers and just enough space for two slim (and short) adults in the rear.

Driving Impression:

Driving around town the car is nimble with plenty of low-end torque that can be a handful at times. The stiff suspension is tolerable for normal driving but how i see it, this car is not to be driven normally. The turbo kicks-in early with plenty of low and mid-end power that will surprise you. Driving the car on the freeway / toll road is stable and poised with minimum body roll during aggressive driving.

Put it in 'Sport' mode and its FUN FUN FUN. The car will come alive, with a sporty exhaust note that will want to make you step harder on the gas pedal. Sharp steering with road-hugging cornering abilities will make Porsche drivers envious and equipped with a list of driver-aids to keep the car sure-footed, will make you feel even more confident.

Bottom Line Factor:

Drive it around town, take it on the freeway or back country roads, pick up your date, bring your friends, it will impress everyone who believes in the pure joy of motoring. An adrenaline rush in a small package, the Mini Cooper S is a car that will provide fun in a playful manner. Lets Motor!

  • Engine: 1598cc DOHC four-cylinder (16 valve)
  • Power: 128kW @ 5500rpm
  • Torque: 260Nm @ 1700-4500rpm (Overboost)
  • Induction: Multipoint & Turbocharged
  • Transmission: Six-speed manual
  • Driven Wheels: Front
  • Brakes: 294mm Disc (F) / 259mm Disc (R)
  • Top Speed: 225km/h (Claimed)
  • 0-100km/h: 7.1 seconds
  • CO2 Emissions: 164g/km
  • Fuel Consumption: 6.9L/100km (ADR)
  • Fuel Consumption: 8.5L/100km (As Tested)
  • Fuel Tank Capacity: 50L
  • Fuel Type: 95-98RON Premium Unleaded
  • ANCAP Rating: Five-star
  • Airbags: Front, Side & Curtain
  • Safety: ABS with CBC, EBA & EBD; ESC with HSA & Traction Control
  • Spare Wheel: N/A
  • Suspension: Strut (F) / Strut (R)
  • Ground Clearance: 130mm
  • Cargo Capacity: 160/680L
  • Tow Capacity: N/A
  • Turning Circle: 10.7m
  • Weight: 1130kg (Tare)
  • Wheels: Alloy 17-inch

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

What's your passion?

Whats your passion?

Most of us have read a lot of articles on finding your passion. Many have taken tests and personality questionnaires in the search of their passion. I believe that its very important for each and every individual to find their passion, it's what fuels us with joy, peace, comfort, power, excitement and every positive things that comes with it.

My passion for cars started since childhood when my father sat me on his lap and went for a drive around the block and since then i have always been fascinated by cars. Over the years my interests grew as i learned more and more about the automotive industry and took racing classes to fulfill my passion and dream. Soon enough being behind the wheel is the only place and moment where i can feel one with myself, its my little metal shell, a place to think, time to soothe the mind and soul, a place where there are no distraction from the world.

The feeling of being one with a machine and feeling the engine as if its your heart beating, feeling the wheels rolling as if its your feet running, the steering wheel that you can direct to where ever you want to go excites me.  Many have perceived that my passion is related to fast driving and chasing adrenalines, little do they know its not always about driving fast, but its about escaping into my own zone. It's about being yourself and being connected in what you do and having pure bliss. It's about being in your own world, being creative and focused, excited yet calm. Its about being yourself, enjoying every hour , minute and second.

If you know yout passion, take some time to fulfill it, manage yourself and everything around you. Take some time to think and explore what your passion is. Make your passion your dreams and make it a goal in life, make it something you cant live without.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Penghapusan subsidi BBM dan “Eco-Technology Motoring”

Bagi anda yang menghadiri IIMS 2010 pasti masih ingat slogan IIMS pada tahun tersebut, “Eco-Technology Motoring”. Menurut saya, “Eco-Technology Motoring” merupakan teknologi baru yang diaplikasikan di kendaraan agar ramah lingkungan dan tentunya hemat bahan bakar. Lalu apa kaitannya dengan Subsidi BBM?
Disaat negara maju sedang berlomba-lomba untuk menghijaukan lingkungan, memperbiru langit, dan menghemat penggunaan BBM, Indonesia masih kepusingan soal masalah subsidi BBM. Rasanya malu untuk IIMS memakai slogan “Eco-Technology Motoring”.
Mari kita membicarakan mengenai penghapusan subsidi bbm. Saya sangat setuju dengan penghapusan subsidi BBM . Berikut alasannya:
1.      Penggunaan bensin dengan kualitas lebih baik (Pertamax, Pertamax +) lebih baik untuk lingkungan.
2.      Hemat bahan bakar
3.      Lebih baik untuk kendaraan
4.      Performa kendaraan meningkat
5.      Penghematan biaya subsidi pemerintah. Sehingga biaya tersebut dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan laiinya, yang Insyaallah digunakan untuk kepentingan negara, bukan pribadi.
Pertamina dan Pemerintah harus bekerja keras untuk mensosialisasi masyarakat mengenai hal ini. Sudah tugasnya pemerintah untuk mengedukasi masyarakat dan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat mengenai kelebihan yang dapat diraih melalui penggunaan BBM yang lebih baik. Bukan hanya melalui periklanan saja, tetapi melalui penelitian-penelitian yang dapat menjadi bukti. Misalnya, penghematan jangka panjang yang dapat dicapai melalui penggunaan bensin non-subsidi dan hal-hal positif lainnya dengan menggunakan bensin non-subsidi.
Apabila masyarakat Indonesia dapat menyadari pentingnya menggunakan bensin non-subsidi, mungkin suatu saat nanti, kita benar-benar dapat menerapkan “Eco-Technology Motoring” di Indonesia.

Ferrari FF Concept. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Ferrari terbaru ini disebut Ferrari FF (Four-seater, Four-wheel drive). Sebelum saya memberikan pendapat dan menjelaskan hal-hal teknis dari mobil ini, saya ingin untuk anda memperhatikan bentuk serta garis-garis design mobil ini selama 10 detik…………………………. Ok, sepuluh detik telah lewat. Saya yakin kita semua berpikiran sama. "Bagus siihhh,... tapi aneh ya.."  
Bagus, karena mereknya Ferrari.
Aneh, karena mereknya Ferrari.
Kenapa? Karena kita telah terbiasa melihat Ferrari yang bentuknya sexy, elegan dan sporty.
Ferrari FF merupakan model concept yang rencana nya akan dipamerkan di Geneve Motor Show pada bulan Maret 2011 dan akan dijual pada tahun 2012. Kabarnya mobil ini akan menggantikan Ferrari 612 Scaglietti . Menurut Ferrari mobil ini merupakan revolusi baru, yang akan memberikan kesan sporty serta kelincahan dengan paduan elegan dimana baik pengemudi maupun penumpang dapat merasakan pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan.
Ferrari FF memiliki kapasitas mesin 6.262cc dengan konfigurasi V12. Tenaga mesin mencapai 503HP dan dengan torsi 660nm, mampu melesat dari 0-60mph dalam waktu 3.7 detik dan memiliki top-speed 208mph. Seperti mobil Ferrari lainnya, mobil ini dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur canggih yang diadopsi dari mobil balap F1. Tetapi saya tidak akan menjelaskan disini, selain membosankan, kebanyakan dari pemilik Ferrari tidak peduli dengan fitur tersebut dan hanya sebagian saja yang akan benar-benar menggunakan fitur tersebut. “Yang penting naik Ferrari. Pasti kenceng, canggih, dan menyenangkan”.
Saya secara pribadi kurang menyukai Ferrari FF. Kelihatannya aneh, seperti perpaduan antara mobil supercar dengan mobil station-wagon / estate dan sangat sangat sangat mirip dengan BMW Z3 Coupe.
Akhir kata, apakah anda siap untuk mengeluarkan uang miliaran rupiah untuk sebuah Ferrari yang mirip dengan BMW?
Mirip kan? ...Iya kan?